FAST forward

And time truly does fly! After my last post I took a break from working on rebuilding my web site to prepare for the annual Mother’s Day Jewelry Sale at Monterey Peninsula College.

May 2017 MPC Jewelry sale my display edit

Here I am using my phone to process credit card sales. Photo thanks to Kelli M.

The three day sale was a huge success for participants who donated 20% of their sales revenue to the MPC Jewelry Department. This goes towards buying new tools for the classroom and additional supplies for all students to share.

Once I recovered from that, classes ended for the summer break and I got back to work making new designs for the next MPC Jewelry sale (early December) and inventory for my on-line store…. which is progressing slowly. I’ve spent quite a bit of time exploring fusing (no solder) fine silver to sterling silver, with most of the work having a “Tide Pool” theme…. Sea Stars, bubbles, and ocean colored stones.


“Tide Pool #2” –  chrysocolla/malachite


“Tide Pool  #3”- azurite/malachite