keum-boo sample

keum-boo sample
light to dark - dark to light

This is a sample that I created for the keum-boo class I am teaching at Monterey Peninsula College. It has inspired all sorts of variations and could become a new “line” given enough time.

The keum-boo techniques offers so many graphic possibilities… I want to try them ALL!

Students were very enthusiastic and inspired after the first class… it will be interesing to see what they come up with by the end of the second (and final) day.

Photo taken with my newest DSLR. I love it! but have lots to learn yet. So many choices and not easy to remember which ones are the “best” ones to make in any given situation.

Sale announcement

sale announcement

I will be offering a huge selection of my lampwork beads… loose beads, sets of beads, bags of beads…. maybe some finished jewelry made with my beads.

Karin Salomon is selling her beaded jewelry. Her designs, color sense and craftsmanship are exceptional. The beaded bangle on the “postcard” is one she made for me. I love it!

All are invited to attend the sale. Light refreshments will be served.

A Monterey Peninsula College map can be found at   The sale takes place in room 106 of the Arts Dimensional building. This is the room next to the Jewelry Studio… for those who know where that is.